Island Dental blog

Dental Care Basics: What Everyone Must Know

March 14, 2022

While dental care is a largely preventative measure, it's not one that we take full advantage of. That's why it's essential to understand the basics of Marco dental care and why it's so important to practice good oral health habits.  

Our dentist is the best resource for learning about the best ways to care for our teeth. They'll be able to tell us everything we need to know about dental treatments, including the benefits and risks of each, so we can make informed decisions when it comes to our oral health.

Unfortunately, not many people spend some of their time visiting their dentist regularly, let alone religiously cleaning their teeth every day. We take dental care for granted until we can't - because we are already facing oral issues that put us at an inconvenience and discomfort. This article will walk you through the basics of oral care to remind you of its importance and effects.  

Marco dental care essentials

The Basics of Dental Care

What is Dental Care?  

The basic definition of dental care is the promotion of oral health. It includes the general maintenance of oral function and the prevention of oral disease. Dental care also includes the professional diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and malformations of the oral structures.  

Dental care aims to maintain healthy, functional teeth, gums, and tissues. What can you do to maintain your dental health? First, and most importantly, brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Ideally, dentists would suggest you floss your teeth first before brushing them.  

Doing so will remove any plaque stuck in between your teeth. At the same time, this will soften food debris in the interdental gaps, making it easier to flush them away when you brush your teeth right after.  

In addition, you should also use an antibacterial mouthwash to rinse your mouth and achieve overall cleaning. This mouthwash contains antibacterial agents that kill harmful bacteria to prevent them from growing in your mouth.

Next, visit your dentist regularly. Dental issues can develop if you fail to see your dentist for a long time. You should be able to see your dentist at least twice a year. During these visits, your dentist will clean your mouth thoroughly and remove dental plaque that may have stayed even after your daily oral health routine.  

Your dentist can also do the following:  

  • Check for signs of any dental issue
  • Diagnose oral problems
  • Look for irregularities in your mouth
  • Check for early symptoms of gum disease or oral cancer
  • Recommend fillings to cover cavities
  • Suggest restorative or cosmetic procedures to enhance the quality and function of your teeth
  • Educate you on the importance of oral care

All these things are geared toward ensuring you get a good dental checkup and that your oral health is in its best shape. It is also a good time to tell your dentist about anything you may have noticed about your mouth.  

Marco dental care professional teeth cleaning

Why is Dental Care Important?  

The benefits of dental care are numerous. Preventive measures taken early on can eliminate several serious dental problems later on. These include:

  • The risk of serious oral diseases such as gum disease and oral cancer  
  • Untreated tooth decay, which can lead to tooth loss  
  • Poor dental aesthetics, which can affect one's self-confidence and overall appearance
  • Long-term oral health affects your overall health and well-being
  • Treatment of gum disease  
  • Detection of a cavity before it becomes problematic  
  • Prevention of dental problems  
  • Protection of the teeth from cracking and breaking
  • Prevention of tooth decay
  • Reducing the cost of dental treatment
  • Prevention of gum disease

All these are strong reasons why you should not neglect good oral health practices to avoid serious health problems.  

Should I Brush My Tongue?  

When it comes to brushing the inside of your mouth, many people tend to brush only their teeth. It is, however, a mistake because the surface of your tongue is covered with bacteria. The tongue has tiny crevices where bacteria can easily hide. Brushing your tongue will help kill these bacteria and clean the surface of your mouth.  

You can brush your tongue using a tongue scraper or the grooved part at the back of your toothbrush. If your toothbrush doesn't have that, you may brush your tongue the same way you would with your teeth.  

Which Bristle Toothbrush Should I Use?  

Most people often use a normal toothbrush for cleaning their teeth. Yet, they aren't aware that the design of the toothbrush bristles is the key factor in tooth cleaning. Dentists strongly suggest that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush, not a hard-bristled one. It's because a hard-bristled toothbrush can easily damage the soft tissues inside the mouth.  

Brushing too hard can pose more harm than good to your oral cavity. You may think that you are cleaning your mouth more when you do it. However, you may destroy the protective layer in the teeth and cause them to be susceptible to damage or decay. Therefore, the design of the toothbrush bristles is very important.

How Do I Correctly Brush My Teeth?  

Proper brushing techniques can help you maintain a healthy, clean mouth. When you brush your teeth, you must make sure you do it thoroughly and properly. If you don't, you may not remove all the bad bacteria from your teeth.  

Start by brushing your teeth with the soft part of your toothbrush on your teeth's outer and inner surfaces. Also, use circular motions to brush the soft tissues surrounding your teeth. When your toothbrush reaches your gum line, move on to the next tooth.  

Brush all your teeth in order and move from the back to the front of your mouth. Use back and forth motions to remove plaque, food particles, and bacteria from your teeth. You should spend at least two minutes cleaning the inside of your mouth. It is the required time to ensure that your teeth are squeaky-clean.  

girl brushing her teeth as part of her Marco dental care

Get the Best Marco Dental Care Today!  

If you want to enjoy a strong and healthy smile, it is important to take good care of your teeth and gums. Many people neglect their teeth and gums, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. That is why you must learn basic dental care and practice it every day.  

Do not wait until you have a serious problem before visiting the dentist. Give us a call at Island Paradise Dental today to schedule your visit.

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