Island Dental blog

What Actions to Take During Dental Emergencies

June 27, 2022

Oral injuries may need first aid before seeking emergency dentistry in Marco Island. It’s important not to panic during dental emergencies, no matter how severe they may look.  

tooth model for emergency dentistry in Marco Island

How to Render First Aid to Dental Injuries

You’ll need to look at the injury first and apply first-aid whenever possible. You will need to be calm and collected to do this. Below are some ways to render aid for specific injuries before you rush the patient to the dentist or the hospital.

For Broken Teeth

In this case, you should first try to find as many of the fragments as you can. Wash the pieces clean with warm water and apply a cold compress on the lips or cheeks to alleviate pain. Visit the dentist immediately so the tooth can be repaired.

For Soft-Tissue Injuries

Soft-tissue injuries refer to accidents that affect the gums, cheeks, and lips. First, you will need to apply pressure with a gauze bandage and stop any bleeding. Use a cold compress to the mouth or cheek for pain relief. Make sure to go to an emergency dentist and have the wounds treated.

For Knocked-out Teeth

This injury is the most severe, but you can still save a tooth that has been knocked out of its socket. Hold the loosened tooth by the crown or top. Rinse it with lukewarm water for 10 seconds before trying to put it back into its socket. If you can’t, place it in a glass of milk to take to the dentist.  

patient undergoes emergency dentistry in Marco Island

Seek Out Emergency Dentistry in Marco Island  

All of the measures outlined above are temporary. You must go to the dentist as soon as possible for treatment. If you run across dental emergencies, don’t hesitate to call us for help.

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